Sunday, October 12, 2008

Favorite Story is Pet Milk

I enjoyed the short story, Pet Milk, by Stuart Dybek. It's about a couple in Chicago that plan on going different ways for their future plans. One plans on going to Europe for grad school and the other plans on going to the Peace Corps. I like the story the most because when I was little I didn't really like the taste of coffee. I just thought I looked older and more mature when I drank it. The narrator liked the way it looked when he put the pet milk in the coffee. The narrator says, "It's not that I enjoy the taste especially, but I like the way Pet milk swirls in the coffee. I also like the story because I could relate to the city train. I use to ride the city train, and I use to look through the glass at the people waiting at the train stops. It was an overall good short story. It wasn't too long and it was a good story.

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