Sunday, September 7, 2008

Street Car Named Desire

I believe that Vivien Leigh did a better impression of what Blanche would of been on screen. She might of just been a better actress because her accent was what a 1920's southern accent unlike what Jessica Lange's 90's southern accent was. When I read the play I could picture Blanche being more emotioinal and I feel that Vivian did a better job with her emotions then Jessica. I think the quote from Tennessee Williams was best described in the Vivien leigh because she has more unmanagable fear and emotion in her acting then Jessica does. Jessica looks like she is faking her cry and then she laughs at the end of crying which throws me off. I would have to say that the second clip by Vivian Leigh was the better image of Blanche.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Vivien's definitely the overwhelming choice for this question. I think the accent is a huge part of it.